Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Waiting for a Sign

This last Sunday we looked at the passage from John chapter 4 that describes the story of the Healing of the Royal Official's Son. An amazing story of perseverance and faith from a father who traveled 20 miles to see if Jesus could help his son. Jesus was early in His ministry and there wasn't a protocol for how all these 'miracles' were supposed to work. But Jesus' instructions for this miracle seemed different. He simply tells the father to go back home and that his son will live. He doesn't come with him, he actually tells him to leave.
So what did the father do? 'The man took Jesus at his word and departed.'
He put his faith in the words of Jesus, and not a sign. He knew that when he left Jesus at Cana, he was going home to either a dead son or a miracle. Waiting for a sign before going would have seemed like a good idea, but Jesus told him to go.
I fully believe in God providing us signs when we truly need signs and giving us words when we need them. But I think sometimes we decide to wait for the sign when we have the words of Jesus in our very hands-the Bible. I believe in a supreme power that lies in the words of Jesus and the Spirit-inspired authors of the Bible.
I say all of this to remind all of us that we need to come back to the Bible. We=the Church, Christians, America. We've treated the Bible and the words of Jesus too much like a textbook and not the 'Sword of the Spirit'.

Thanks for reading, and as always-if you're in the Sumner/Bonney Lake area and looking for a place to learn about God's love in a safe place, thats our goal @ The Rescue Church. We meet at Maple Lawn Elementary School at 10:00AM. Come this Sunday to hear about another of Jesus' miracles!!



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