Monday, June 16, 2014

Be A Man

This past Sunday at church changed my life.
Father's Day is usually one of those days where we go to church to please dad, or you drag your dad to church for just one Sunday. This year, it was different. We had 2 men from our church share their testimony about how God changed their lives-about how this culture wants our men to live a certain way and when you find God, you see that there is a completely different, better way to live. The 2 men, Chuck and Nathan, have been two pillars of our church plant as they have been able to provide support to me as the pastor, but also to other families. What they provided for me Sunday was something completely different. A picture of humbleness.
Sadly church has turned into a show. It has turned into a place where we dress up and put on enough make up so that people won't see who we truly are. These 2 men did completely the opposite for me and our church. They didn't hold anything back as they laid out the sin of their past. There was no cards face down on the table.
This is where our church needs to go (men and women). We need to start becoming a church that strives to live a holy life as we follow a perfect God, but remember that we are not a perfect product. Paul said in 1 Corinthians, 'Follow my example as I follow Christ.' And so as we are not perfect in deed right now, we need to show others what a Godly life looks like-that includes repentance.
I'm starting to see a change in the way I view church, and I'm proud to be apart of a group of people at The Rescue Church that feel like church is supposed to be so much more than a beauty pageant. It is for God's people to carry one another's burdens. It is to be a resting place where repentance isn't frowned upon but encouraged, and forgiveness is rejoiced. And most of all-it's about us worshipping Him!!
Here's a little snapshot of what I shared on Sunday:
It’s time that men realize who we are. We are created beings with the ultimate creator in God. And that God has created men for a purpose. If you’re a dad with us today, it’s time that you become a man in your home. Maybe it’s time to dedicate your home to God, dedicate your marriage to God, dedicate your children to God. But most importantly it’s time to dedicate your life to God. You will be unable to lead your family on a path you are unfamiliar with. Stop being a guide that makes it up as they go along. Start acting like a son that wants the advice of their father. I’m proud of my father today, and I’m expecting some of you are too. But there are some, probably some of you here today, who have not had a good experience with their earthly father, and I’m sorry for that. But don’t let that stop you from following the father who has never let you down. Be the man God has called you to be. Start a legacy in your family. Start something new or revive something old. Whatever the case start it today.
This message is important because our country is starving. It’s starving for men of truth and integrity. And sadly it is trying to cure starvation with things that will leave us even worse. And so this morning I am crying out to you. Not out of selfish ambition but out of a heart longing to see great days for God’s church.
Let the men of God rise again. Let men like Moses, David, Daniel, and Paul rise up and start claiming that this land is God’s land. This day is God’s day. And that this church is God’s church.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

-Pastor Cory

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