Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Having a Servant's Heart

What's the craziest thing God has ever asked you to do?
Think about it; was it about sharing your faith, was it about $$$, was it about starting a ministry? Has He ever asked you to do something that completely boggled your mind? Maybe because you were like, 'God, so you know me right? Why in the world would you ask me to do this? You know I'm not qualified, you know that this isn't possible...right?'
When you're married, you get to have conversations. Wife: Hey Dear, can you mow the yard? Husband: Well Dear, it is football about after the game?
This begins an eloquent exchange of pleasantries that show the absolute love that they have for one another. HA. But it's true, as a married man I've done my fair share of bargaining, or what I like to call 'enlightening' with my wife about the proper time for chores to be done or if they need to be done at all. What am I really doing? Being lazy. And plus I have a wife who defines awesome so she deals with me. And so if we have this 'relationship' with God doesn't that mean it's a 2 way street too? Can't we have a conversation about what the other one is saying? He gets to question me, and I get to question Him, right?
Well, we need to understand something very important. God wants the best for us. Well isn't my best different from your best? How do I really know that His best is what I want??
Recently in my life I've begun to step back and look at the whole picture of life. We really aren't going to be here long. We are going to be somewhere else for a really long time. But in the meantime, while we are in this life God says there is work to be done, He will protect us, He wants us to live life to 'the fullest'. I believe this means that when I'm old and crotcthedy (I think that's a word), I'm going to look at all the 'yes's' I said to God and smile. Why? Because there will be a lot to smile about. Seeing people come to Christ, revival in your own household, blessing upon blessing upon blessing. But it all starts with a choice. And it all starts with our knowledge of what is possible and impossible.
Remember Mary? Yeah, that Mary. Jesus' mom Mary. She was a junior high girl who gave birth to her savior. The angel Gabriel comes to here, spells everything out and Mary responds, without blinking, 'I am the Lord's servant.'
What made Mary agree to this mission that could endanger her whole life?? You only have to go one verse prior. 'For with God nothing shall be impossible.' Luke 1:37 (KJV). Being a virgin and having a baby, and oh yeah-this baby will save the world? Possible or impossible? At this moment Mary only needed to say yes. And she did. As we go back and forth with God about what He's asking us to do, debating the possible and impossible, maybe we just need to say yes and let God be God.
I'm only 30 years old but I've already seen God be who He is in my life when I just say yes. This challenges and propels me to say yes even more in the next 30 years so I can be that old man who gets to recline and just smile at how amazing God is.


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