Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Well of Jesus

John 4:26, Then Jesus declared, 'I, the one speaking to you-I am he.'

I think it's amazing that we serve a Lord who was not afraid of meeting or talking to anyone. In the book of John chapter 4 we see Jesus encounter a Samaritan woman at a well after a long journey. He was thirsty and needed a drink.
The problem-the woman at the well was a Samaritan. This was not just a social class problem but also a difference of religion. Samaritans and Jews did not see eye to eye on just about everything. This conversation between Jesus and this Samaritan woman was not supposed to happen. But our Lord had a reason for speaking to this woman.
He offered her eternal life (the water I give will well up to eternal life), exposed the sin in her life (the woman was staying with a man that was not her husband, and before that she had had 5 husbands), explained what a life of worship was (we worship a God of spirit; He seeks worshippers who worship in spirit and truth) and reveals himself to her (verse above).
The reason Jesus spoke to this woman is the same He speaks to us. He loves us. He doesn't want us to struggle with sin. He doesn't want us to go around to every 'well' our culture has to provide. He offers the only 'well' that will satisfy and quench your thirst.
If you're sitting down at your computer and reading this post, and your still searching for a 'well' that can change your life, I'm not ashamed to invite you to church. We talk about Jesus using the words from the Bible. We believe that Jesus stands with a well of living water that can give you eternal life. Make a choice this week to do something different Sunday. We'd love to see you.

We meet at Maple Lawn Elementary School in Sumner at 10:00AM. 


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